As we continue to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic, our hearts go out to all of those who have been affected by Coronavirus both directly and indirectly. Like you, during these last few weeks, we’ve been focused on doing all the things we need to do to keep our employees, clients, vendors, and families safe and healthy.
Taking our guidance from the CDC, WHO, and Federal and Local Government authorities, we keep the health and well-being of our community at the forefront of our decision making.
In support of social distancing efforts being made across the globe to help stem the spread of COVID-19, our leadership team has made the difficult decision to temporarily suspend operations at Splashlight.
We will continue to work in alignment with local authorities following recommendations that help support our community under these unprecedented circumstances.
There is no mistaking the challenge of the moment, but at Splashlight, we pride ourselves on our tenacity, our work ethic, and above all, our resiliency.
To our amazing employees, vendors, and partners, we will see this through together. Please keep yourselves and your friends and family safe.
We are closely monitoring each new development as it is communicated by authorities and are looking forward to reopening as soon as it is safe to do so. We await the day we are together again in light and creativity.
Stay safe and thank you for being part of the Splashlight Family.
Benoit Lagarde & James Ingram